Comdev - PHP Scripts For Your Website
Fast Website Development with PHP Components

Modules Builder > Documentation > Upload To Your Website

Upload the Modules Builder to your website using a FTP program. Below are the complete installation guidelines and screenshots.

Step 1: Download Trial

Go to our download page at Choose between the Zend Optimizer or ionCube version to download.

Step 2: Extract File

After you've downloaded the Zip file, extract it to your local computer. Rename the 'oneadmin' folder to your preferable name, eg: 'myadmin'.

Step 3: Upload Files

Using a FTP program, login to your web server and upload the 'myadmin' folder from your local computer into the remote website directory. This is usually 'public_html' or 'httpdocs' folder, the same directory in which your homepage resides. However, the location could be different on your server.

Step 4: Set File Permissions

Modules Builder requires modification of files or creates new files in directories. Most FTP programs allow you to change file permissions. Please click here for more info.

Permissions are specified by 3 digit number, such as 644 or 755. Please CHMOD * the following file and directory to 777 (Owner: Read, Write, Execute; Group: Read, Write, Execute; Others: Read, Write, Execute).

-    '/oneadmin/_files'
-    '/oneadmin/config.php'

** Upon completion of Installation Wizard, kindly reset the file permission of the '/oneadmin/config.php' file to 644.

Step 5: Creating the MySQL Database

MySQL Database must be created before you run the Installation Wizard. Most web hosts include a web control panel to let you manage your MySQL database easily.

Login to your control panel and create a new MySQL database, its user and grant the permission to the user to access the database. If you do not have permission to create the database, you may need to ask your web hosting provider to create it for you.

Step 6: Run Installation Wizard

The first time when you run the Modules Builder , it will automatically load the Installation Wizard. For more info, please go to the Installation Wizard Guideline.

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