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KB4201048 : I had checked on S.E.F option of respective module, it able perform , but the front end page display was out of layout setting , and some of the url was unable to perform.
This issue is due to the reference path was incorrectly , especially for the code used parent path eg : ../ After user had checked on SEF url , it will convert the dynamic url to static url , for ex...

KB4201047 : I had checked on S.E.F( Search Engine Friendly) option, when I view on my module front end page, it shown empty page.
The are a few of factor to cause to the S.E.F unable to perform the function. In order to resolve this issue, 1. Please ensure that your account setting had include 'mod_rewrite' module. 2. After y...

KB4111046 : What is the error message means Can't open file: '[oneadmint_table].MYD'. (errno: 145) ?
This error prompt is due to the 'TableName' table had become corrupt. It appears the error commonly affects a table used for storing sessions and may occur the database has used finished all the alloc...

KB4111045 : Western European character(ISO-8859-1) , Latino character(ISO-8859-15) for one admin panel v4.1.4
If you would like your one admin panel able to support Western European character set(ISO-8859-1) , Latino(ISO-8859-15), you can download the zip file . After download it , you pick suitable version o...

KB4111044 : Why my one admin panel can not send mail out ? I had configure the smtp information properly and all the details information are correct .
Please ensure that your one admin's smtp information like smtp host (eg , or or etc. ) are same as your domain name (eg , else it will ...

KB4131043 : Why my one admin panel's web editor convert the font into the html code ?
Due to mix of the version one admin panel , after saving the desire font text at the web editor, the one admin unable to recognize the system parameter therefore it convert it into the html code. Sol...

KB4131042 : My module application able to display , but when I login into the module , I getting this error message 'Internal Server Error 500' ? What is this error message means ?
This is due to somethings unexpected error happen to you account ,  the server can not be more specific about the error condition in its response to the client. Solution : You need to inf...

KB4111041 : Why I can not change my folder permission ? I had grant the folder permission , but it restore to the default setting folder permission. which folder I should grant full permission ?
Due to the difference of the Operating system of the hosting account setting. There are two folder need to grant full permission which are : '_files' and 'session' which is locate inside the '_files'...

KB4131040 : Why my upload feature can not upload pictures ? ( photogallery / ecommerce)
If your photo gallery module or ecommerce module unable to upload the pictures / Image , then you need to check  to your account php setting , There are two element 'open_basedir' and 'safe_mode...

KB4111039 : What is my current one admin panel version ? Zend ? IonCube ? Standard Version ?
In order to know which version one admin panel is current running on the account, you can download one of the files with prefix like wce.xxxx.php . After that you open this file with Editor and view t...