KB4114201028 : Installation Guide : steps to install one admin panel.
Before to install one admin panel and modules application, there are fews steps need to do before proceed to the setup wizard. Step 1 : Login into your account , and create a folder named 'oneadmin'(... |
KB4114201027 : Why I can not set file permission on my hosting account ?
If you are using Windows Server, in most instances, you are not able to set file permission explicitly via a FTP client program. In this case, you need to request your hosting provider to set the nece... |
KB4114201026 : What is file permission?
Every file or folder in UNIX/Linux has their access permissions. There are three types of permissions (what allowed to do with a file): read access (r) write access (w) execute access... |
KB4114201025 : Why I need to set back the 'config.php' permission to 644?
This is essential to prevent the content inside the config.php being hijacked or overwritten by malicious script to gain access into your web server. ... |
KB4134201024 : How I know my hosting account support either Zend Optimizer or Ion Cube Loader ?
You will be able to check your PHP Configuration (PHP INI) to see if it supports Zend Optimizer or IonCube. This is achieved by creating a phpinfo file: Open your text editor, add in the fol... |
Update : I downloaded the one admin version of 4.1.2 and uploaded it to my server but when I log onto my one admin area it still shows version 4.1.1
The One Admin panel for v4.1.2 will show v4.1.1, this is for activation purpose and indicates that your panel is operate on the v4.1 platform.... |
Migrate One Admin to New Server
Here are the steps on how to migrate your One Admin system to a new server: You back up the 'oneadmin' directory. Access to the MySQL console on the current server (old server), and e... |
How to back up your MySQL database?
Here are the simple steps on how to backup your database: Login to your web database console (phpMyAdmin). If you have more than one database in your server, please select the databas... |
Creating MySQL database
The example below is of the cpanel. 1) Access to your web host cpanel. For example, http://your-web-host -url/cpanel/ 2) Click on the MySQL icon available to install your databa... |
Modified on 2006-07-01
Missing directories when I am ready to upload the unzip files.
Reason: The oneadmin file is unzipped without maintaining the directory structure, causing your unzipped software does not have any of the directories. Delete the unzipped files and ... |
Modified on 2006-07-06