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Back To Main Geo Traffic > Troubleshooting Showing 1-7 Of 7

KB4114201030 : I had install geotraffic module when i view the generated graph at the back end control, it seem like the picture was corrupted ?
This issue happen when one of the files of geo traffic was not upload properly or lose of file size ( database.csv ; original file size = 3546kb / 3.46MB) that cause the geo traffic unable to generate...

Unknown( error on Yahoo web server.
Problem:   The One Admin installation seems to be working fine, but I have the following code at the bottom of the page:   Warning: Unknown( failed to open s...
Modified on 2006-03-21

No Installation Wizard appears after uploading the oneadmin folder to my online server.
When you access to the One Admin system, if found that oneadmin/config.php file is empty, only then it will prompts you the Installation Wizard, and create the required tables into your MyS...
Modified on 2005-12-15

Warning: session_start(): open(\\cpsharedstore\phpsessions\sess_0fe49084, O_RDWR) failed: No space left on device (28) in /home/sitename/web/oneadmin/index.php(33)
Problem: The session folder on your server is not set to full read / write permission, this prohibits the admin system to write a session_id during login, into the folder. Solution: Please ma...
Modified on 2005-12-15

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '"', expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/sitename/httpd/oneadmin/config.php on line 10
Problem: This is common error reported on Windows Server, due to invalid format of Document Path in the oneadmin/config.php. Solution: Replace single backslashes ' ' with double backslashes ...
Added on 2004-10-08

I am getting broken images in both the Daily Hits & Countries page.
Problem: The GD Graphic Library is not enable/compiled in your PHP configuration, this cause the Geo Traffic system could not generate and display graphical results. Solution: Make a request ...
Modified on 2005-12-14

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class geotraffic in /home/sitename/public_html/oneadmin/geotraffic/class.geotraffic.php(82)
Problem: You might have installed the Geo Traffic component for more than once in the One Admin panel. Solution: 1. Access to your MySQL database, empty the 'sys_component' table (delete all ...
Modified on 2004-10-06