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Patch4102_FormDesign - Order of fields in Preview page are messed up and Could not delete form page from the backend Manage Pages > Form Pages page.


Attached below is the file for our Form Designer v4.1 module. The patch file contain the fixes we have made to fix the messed up field order from the Preview page in both front end and backend. Included is also the fix file for the error in deleting a form page.

We have also added some modification to allow the data in your dropdownlist, radio button, checkbox and selection box to be maintained when you click on the Back button. Previously the data from these fields will lost or be reset to the default value defined in the backend.

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Kindly download the patch file and follow the instructions below:

  1. Extract the to your computer.
  2. You will find two folders, one is the ION_version folder for our IonCube version and the other is the Normal_version for our normal version.
  3. Please make sure that you upload the correct copy to your server. If you are using our IonCube version, please uplaod the files from the ION_version folder, and vice versa.
  4. Upload the files to their respective folder in your oneadmin/formdesign directory.
  5. The files below need to be uploaded to your oneadmin/formdesign/ui folder:
    •   checkbox.php
    •   dropdown.php
    •   multiselect.php
    •   radio.php
    while the home.form.php, wce.pages.php and the wce.viewdata.php files need to be uploaded to your oneadmin/formdesign folder.
  6. You might want to make a backup copy of your original files first before uploading, just in case.

Should you need any further assistance, you are most welcome to contact us via our Support Ticket.

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