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KB4211015 : Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(/_files/ecompro/47e27_yhst-87508542449493_2047_6809144.jpg) [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/yourdomain/oneadmin/ecompro/class.product.php on line 3512009-03-23 |
The error message prompt is due to the path used to upload was incorrect , therefore when the uploaded file is process by GD library unable to generate the thumbnail and re-size the file and store inside the appointed location. Solution : In order to get the uploaded path , you can check the path via your one admin panel , type : , then the path will shown in bold color, copy entire bold statement (eg:) '/home/yourdomain/oneadmin/' and append the '_files/ecompro/' like '/home/yourdomain/oneadmin/_files/ecompro/' , which means the uploaded pictures will be store inside one admin folder . As alternative If you are familiar with the file structure , you can set the uploaded image to other location.
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