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KB4201035 : My Photo Gallery module unable to generate thumbnail picture(s)?


There are some of factor cause to the Photo Gallery Module unable to generate thumbnail picture(s).

In order to resolve this issue, below are the check list

1. The folder name 'photogallery_temp' and 'photogallery_ftp' exist inside '/oneadmin/_files/ ' , and both folder must grant with FULL Permission (777 / Read , Write , Execute ).

2. Check on Your One Admin 's 'config.php' document path is follow proper format of Operating System ( Usually this happen at Windows Platform ) especially for symbol ' / ' and back slash ( ' ')

eg :

document path    

$path["docroot"]  = "c:/inetpub/wwwroot/oadmin421/" (correct format for Window Platfrom)

$path["docroot"]  = "c:inetpubwwwrootoadmin421" ( Incorrect format for Window Platfrom)

3. If your hosting account type are window platform , you need to inform your service provider to grant FULL permission to object 'network' at user permission menu.

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