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KB4114211023 : Why my module application still under status trial version ? I had key in correct activation code.2008-12-11 |
There are some reason cause to the module applicaiton under status trial version , In order to resolved this issue, below are some of the checklist to avoid this issue. a) get appropriate activation code for correct One Admn Platform. eg : activation code v4.1 only valid at One Admin Platform v4.1.x , other version of One Admin Platform (eg v3.0 , v4.2 etc) consider this activation code is invalid. b) web url path of 'config.php' are require same as the registered url from the email activation code letter . eg : due to the term 'www' or without 'www' of the web path will cause to this issue. Sample Activation code generate by the system : Product Name (eg :): News Publish v4.2 Web Address (eg :): Activation code (eg ): 111111-222222-333333-444444-555555 eg : Your Product Activation url ( > Login into One Admin Panel > Installation > Product Activation url ) : It consider as Trial version if Product Activation url at same as Web Address. c) please ensure that you had upload the one admin core files (eg: '/oneadmin/common') folder completely.
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