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Integrating Form Designer To Your Web PageModified on 2006-07-05 |
Step 1 : Create new PHP page Create a web page where you would like to publish your online form. Save the web page file with .php extension, say, for example enquiry.php. * Note: You can put the file into web root directory or any directory on the server.
To ensure that your designed forms works regardless of the location of your web page, you will need to add your server's Document Path to all the PHP include codes. To find the Document Path, open the /oneadmin/config.php file with your text editor, and note this path down. Let's assume the Document Path is /home/sitename/public_html/oneadmin/.
Now, open the enquiry.php with your text editor. In the body content area, put the following code to display your online form. <?php * Note: [ID] is the Form ID that you need to pass in, to indicate which form you are calling to. To get the ID, you can login to your One Admin > Manage Forms and click on 'Inclusion Code'. With Form Designer, you will be able to create multiple forms on your web site. For each web page file, put the Form ID that is associated to the form you wish to publish, into the include codes.
Now, proceed to your web page URL, eg: to view the integration result. To preview your sample online form in real time, click on the 'front-end' link on the top right menu from within the One Admin panel. We recommend that you place your codes on a hidden web page to test before placing them on a public page. |
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