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Installing Geo Traffic 4.0

Modified on 2006-07-05

You can choose to download only the Geo Traffic Component or the entire One Admin Suite. Before installing, we recommend you to take a look at System Requirements.

Your web host must have PHP installed and configured with the MySQL database support. Also, you should have FTP access to the web server where you wish to install the Geo Traffic on.

Step 1: Unzip File

After you've downloaded the Zip file, extract it to your local computer and make sure you preserve the directory structure contained in the zip. If you do not have a zip utility, you can download the Winzip program for free from

Step 2: Uploading Files

Using a FTP program, login to your web server and transfer the 'oneadmin' folder from your local computer into the web root. This is usually public_html or httpdocs folder, the same directory in which your homepage resides. However, the web root location could be different on your server.

Note: Please do not forget to rename the uploaded oneadmin folder to your desired name.

Step 3: Set File Permissions

The Geo Traffic requires modification of files or create new files in directories. If you are using Unix-based web server, you will need to set file permissions - read, write and execute on these files and directories. Most FTP programs allow you to change file permissions.

Permissions are specified by 3 digit number, such as 644 or 755. Please CHMOD * these file and directory accordingly:

  • /oneadmin/_files : 777 (Owner: Read, Write, Execute; Group: Read, Write, Execute; Others: Read, Write, Execute)

  • /oneadmin/config.php : 777 (Owner: Read, Write, Execute; Group: Read, Write, Execute; Others: Read, Write, Execute)

Unix File Permissions
* CHMOD is a command responsible for changing file permissions.

To set file permissions with your FTP program, right click on a file or directory, and look for command such as 'File Attributes', 'Change File Permissions', or 'chmod'. From here you will be able to set 'read, write, execute' permissions for 'owner, group, others' via checkboxes. Anyway, the easiest way to set permission would be insert the appropriate number.


Windows File Permissions

Normally, PHP scripts is able to run on Windows environment with no need to set any file permissions.

However, in some cases, a server might not be setup to allow the PHP scripts to have 'write access' to it's file. As a result, the program will prompts you warning message stating that it is not able to write into it's data file.

Windows server users will not be able to set the file permissions via FTP. In this case, talk to your server administrator for help with this.


Step 4: Creating a MySQL Database

The Geo Traffic makes use of the MySQL database to store your data.  This database must be created before you run the Installation Wizard.

Most web hostings include an integrated control panel to let you manage your MySQL database easily.

Login to your MySQL database and create a new database for your Geo Traffic, as well as a new user account with full permissions on that database. You can also use the existing database if you wish. Please jot down the MySQL details, as you will need them in the Installation Wizard.

If you do not have enough permission to create the database, you may need to ask your web hosting provider to create it for you, and grants you access.

Step 5: Run Installation Wizard

To run the Installation Wizard, open the /oneadmin with your web browser, for example: http://your-domain-name/oneadmin.

The Installation Wizard will appears, which will guides you through the final installation process. Simply follow 4 simple steps as described below:

(I) Checking Server Configurations

The Geo Traffic performs PHP configuration checking, to ensure your web server meets the system requirements. If any incompatibilities take place, we advice you to adjust your server configuration before proceed to complete the installation.

(II) Directory Paths and Administrator Password

This section allows you to specify the locations of your /oneadmin directory, and the administrator login password. There are 4 text fields to fill in, from which 3 have been defined by the Geo Traffic program.

  • Web Address

    The complete URL to the /oneadmin folder on your web server, such as http://your-domain-name/oneadmin/. It is also the fully qualified URL to access your administrator panel, and you use it to request for your product activation key.

  • Document Path

    The complete path from root level to the /oneadmin folder on your web server, for example: '/home/sitename/public_html/oneadmin/', or
    '/var/www/httpdocs/sitename/oneadmin/'. If you unsure of the path, please ask your server administrator for assistance.

    By default, this text field should already contains values that the Geo Traffic has specified for you. However, in some special instances, you may need to enter the correct path as required:

    1. Value of document path consist only a single slash '/' character
    - This is caused when your server might not be setup to publish the relative path.
    - It is advisable that you ask your server administrator for the complete document path, or refer to the PHP INFO

    2. Document path of Windows web server
    - Says the default value is 'E:homesystemsitenameoneadmin'.
    - Here's what to do: Replace all backslash '' with double backslash '\'. Your correct path should look something like this 'E:\home\system\sitename\oneadmin\'

  • Administrator Login

    The Geo Traffic creates user 'admin' by default, and you will not be able to edit this username, nor delete this account. The admin will have full permission to access and maintain every part of the application.

    Create a password that will be used by admin to sign in to the control panel, and re-enter for confirmation.

(III) SMTP & Email Settings

In this section you'll require to enter the administrator email, and the related SMTP info.

  • Email Address
    - the email address of user 'admin'. Emails will be sent to this address.

  • Mail Server
    - the address or hostname of the mail server for admin's email.

  • Email Login
    - account name or login ID to access your mail account.

  • Email Password
    - the password to your mail account


 (IV) MySQL Database Settings

This section allows you to enter the details MySQL database, which you have created earlier. There are 4 fields to complete:

  • MySQL Host
    - The host name of the server where MySQL is installed, such as localhost (the most common used name, and is specified by default)

  • MySQL Username
    - The user account of the MySQL database you created earlier.

  • MySQL Password
    - The password for the above user account.

  • MySQL Database
    - The name of the MySQL database you created to store the Geo Traffic's tables.

Once you have completed all sections, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the 'Proceed To Install' button. Your Geo Traffic configuration is written into the /oneadmin/config.php file. The MySQL database will also be created.

Now, you're ready to login to your One Admin panel, using the username 'admin' and the password that you have created just now. Proceed to install the Geo Traffic.

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Installing Geo Traffic 4.0