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How do I translate the language file for my FAQ Support?

Modified on 2006-07-05

Version 3.0 and above are multilingual support. With the language folders enabled for creating multiple language files, you can translate the FAQ Support completely without having to edit each individual file in oneadmin directory.

Basically, there are 2 language folders to work on, one translates the  FAQ Support (front-end and admin part), whilst the other is used to translate your One Admin platform.

Translating the FAQ Support

  1. Explore to /oneadmin/newsletter/language folder. By default, the language folder should already contains 3 files, English.php, Greek.php and Malay.php file.

  2. Duplicate the English.php file within the same directory.

  3. Rename the replica to your preferable language name, such as German.php, Dutch.php, Spanish.php
    Note: The first character of a file name must be in capital letter. All files name reside in language folder like German, Dutch, Spanish will appear in the
    dropdown list under the language settings of your administrator panel.

  4. Open the language file you created with your text editor, and you will notice the keyword / phrases are well-listed in each row. Translate and making sure to enclose each keyword / phrase in double-quotes ( " ).

    Tips: If you wish to specify a literal double-quotes, you will need to escape it with a backslash ( ).

    For example, to output : This is "simple" string
    Here's what to do: "This is "simple" string"

  5. Save your language file, and you may wish to proceed to your One Admin platform translation.

Translating One Admin Platform (Administrator Panel)

  1. Explore to /oneadmin/common/language folder.

  2. Repeat the above steps from Step 2 to Step 5.

    Note: Number of language files and every file names must identical in both /oneadmin/newsletter/language and /oneadmin/common/language folders.

Once you have completed both sections, login to your One Admin panel, and click 'admin' at the top of the page. Under 'Other Settings' title, select one of the languages from the dropdown list. Finally, click on the 'Save' button to view the result immediately.

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